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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending Feb 1

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 2 February 2025


And yet again, Nigel Somerville is the most read non-Tom article, at number 1 or number 2 including Bearcasts for The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Posts Another New Record – And My Answer to Sohail.

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Posts Another New Record – And My Answer to Sohail
    Gold closed the week at $2,770 – a new weekly record high, well up on last week’s $2,702 and seemingly well on its way to a new all-time high. Good news for Gold bugs! But why aren’t UK Gold stocks roofing it, asks Sohail? Tom Winnifrith offered his thoughts HERE and I certainly do not disagree, but I think there are a few other points worth mentioning.

  2. Barclays to back MCC but screws me as a customer: just why I hate big corporate
    Today I received an email from the MCC of which I am a member, announcing that Barclays (BARC) has replaced JP Morgan as its “principal partner”. The MCC gets loads of dosh for Lords and Barclays gets the naming rights at the media centre and stacks of perks including boxes and seats for its top brass. The email is the sort of nauseating woke piffle I expect from the MCC these days.

  3. Dr. Martens – new CEO argues “great confidence for FY25 and beyond”. Er, really?…
    Footwear brand company Dr. Martens (DOCS) has issued a trading statement with new CEO Ije Nwokorie emphasising “USA DTC in positive growth in Q3… great confidence for FY25 and beyond”. Er, so what about the shares, already down from near 100p as recently as last April, in response currently further down towards 70p?

  4. Ariana – Further Newmont Investment….At A Large Premium
    AIM-listed Ariana Resources (AAU) this morning announced that Newmont is to invest a further $871,000 via a purchase of shares at 2.375p as Ariana’s majority-owned Western Tethyan Resources looks to undertake additional work across its portfolio of targets in Kosovo an North Macedonia. $871,000 is good news for Ariana – but that's not the point here.

  5. Update on my share tips of the year – after news from another of the tips and approaching one month...
    I wrote recently on news from one of my two share tips of the year 2025 and on how the selections were faring so far. And today news from the other tip...

  6. Virgin Wines UK – “Trading Update”, how strongly is it “signals positive momentum”?…
    Online wine retailer Virgin Wines UK (VINO) has issued a “trading update” headlined “Strong Christmas trading, increased levels of customer acquisition, further operational efficiencies and a healthy balance sheet signals positive momentum”. So what of a current still little above 30p share price, comparing to having been approaching 50p in the first half of 2024?

  7. FRC Letter to Tom Winnifrith: a formal thank you on Alpha Growth from the Accounting watchdog
    The chatroom morons insist that nobody cares what I write, that my warnings can be ignored and then repeately talk about me in adverse terms anyway without, in nearly all cases, actually reading what I write. Meanwhile in the real world, a while back I wrote to the FRC over the 2023 accounts of Alpha Growth (ALGW).

  8. Belluscura shares now hit new all time low: what is the bad news that dare not speak its name?
    I do not wish my new best mate Adam Reynolds any grief but Belluscura (BELL), a company he chairs, is in trouble and needs to ‘fess up. It is only not already gigging with the Fat Lady because it secured $4m of invoice discounting loan shark rate debt in the Autumn. But, with the shares today hitting a new all time low of 6.25p, there needs to be a ‘fess up. Is it:

  9. The UK becomes more of a joke by the day: Department for Business and Trade accounts are qualified
    I was chatting to a lefty liberal arts Professor the other day who insisted that the idea that the UK was viewed overseas as a sick and declining nation was merely a far right fantasy. The Pakistani rape gangs scandal was a figment if the imagination of the Daily Mail and the only folks talking about it were extremist right wingers. I disagreed on the rape gangs, thereby falling into his trap and, in his view, thus admitting that I was a Fascist. I compounded my sins by saying that the slumping FTSE 250 and Sterling and that Gilts being at a 30 year high suggested hard money thought Britain was doomed. Today comes another damning blow.

  10. Greatland Gold December Trading statement: BUY
    Greatland Gold (GGP) only owned the Telfer mine for the last 27 days of December so you might not read too much intro this. The company is not yet guiding on all in cash costs, that will come in April. But…

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sohail asks why aren't UK gold stocks roofing at it as old roofs it like they did fifteen years ago
    Gosh, Sohail, my old pal, we are both getting older and the world has changed. I explain why. But I also express a belief that good UK gold stocks will go much higher and name my core bets to do so.

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Noel demands Harry Adams risks getting into a criminal enquiry
    In today's bearcast I discuss Kefi (KEFI), ones wider investment strategy, Oracle Power (ORCP) and Futura Medical (FUM) 

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No1: who was selling Optibiotix shares? Whoever: that completes the compelling case for sacking the chairman
    I explain ( again) why Optibiotix (OPTI) shares are so cheap but you don't care about that. I discuss who was selling in recent days. Whoever it was it completes the now perfect case for sacking chairman Neil Davidson. I also suggest who should replace him.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 1: Probiotix, Good Energy, Britain's 2 Buffetts & not a hideously risky gamble
    In today's first podcast I discuss what is not a "hideously risky gamble" with reference to Probiotix today (PBX) ands Good Energy (GOOD) in 2012, looking back on its PLC history, its relatively foxy but a bit naughty former CEO and the lessons it offers us all. 

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 2: The £43m AIM scandal, Ian Rosenblatt makes more than £10m round tripping his business from IPO to administration, rewarded for being a prize shit
    I have a lot of time for Rosenblatt's fragrant Mrs, Emma Kane but the demise of RBG Holdings (RBGP) seems to reward Mr Rosenblatt OBE for acting like a prize shit and just seems wrong to me and a scandal.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 2: Questions for Adrian who thinks I'm illiterate and talking shite
    I start with Holocaust Memorial Day, then questions for Adrian, then Celadon (CEL), Belluscura (BELL) and the insolvent fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME)

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Upper class twit of the year and his Durham spoof
    In today's podcast: Marechale Capital (MAC), Vast Resources (VAST), another kiss of death for Technology Minerals (TM1), Belluscura (BELL) and Georgina Energy (GEX) and its looming insolvency.

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What links fraudster Chris Clevrley, Rod McIllree and Alastair Clayton boss of Metals One?
    I start on what Rachel from Customer Services should be doing to kickstart UK growth rather than what she is doing. In that vein I look at South Crofty and Cornish Metals (CUSN) on AIM . I look at what is now 80 Mile PLC (80M) and at Metals One (MET1) ands answer my question. I cover Vast Resources (VAST) and Celadon (CEL) and why directors failed all stakeholders again in not debagging the Bulletin Board morons two weeks ago.

  9. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 1: surely there is no "innocent explanation" for yesterday's Versarien share price movement and placing
    An adviser insists there might be. But a 50%+ share price gain ahead of a discounted sub scale placing by Versarien (VRS) makes me smell a rat. Surely AIM Regulation should be investigating? As for Versarien it is still a zero in waiting
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