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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending Jan 18

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 19 January 2025


Yet again, Nigel Somerville is the most read non-Tom article, at number 1 or number 8 including Bearcasts for My Gold Holdings – Frustration, Opportunity And A Present From Birthday Boy Tom.

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. My Gold Holdings – Frustration, Opportunity And A Present From Birthday Boy Tom
    Gold may be showing signs of another lurch higher, but the miners are still in the doldrums – with one exception. Mr Market is still unimpressed but in my view it is just a matter of time before they move sharply higher.

  2. GOTCHA! Liam “the Toke” Murray caught with trousers down yet again
    I guess that with me stuck half way up a Greek mountain, Liam “the toke” Murray and his scumbag clients thought they had a free pass not to disclose adverse information in a timely fashion. Wrong! Gotcha!

  3. Don’t Believe the Rightmove spin, house price crash in 2025 a nailed on cert, Dominic Frisby
    I agree with Dominic, as invariably I do. All the dominoes are lined up for a real correction this year. Anyone buying housebuilding shares needs their head examined. The great Frisby opines:

  4. A letter to Jerry Keen: Why have you not resigned as advisor to Georgina Energy after the latest shenanigans?
    I have written to Jerry Keen of Oak Securities who raised £5 million for Georgina Energy (GEX) on its July 31 2024 RTO. Either Jerry resigns this account and, I hope, whistleblow to the FCA or he simply does not give a shit about the reputational damage he and is firm will continue to suffer.

  5. Richard Jennings flags up his No 1 short in London today
    Richard Jennings of Align boasts that nobody likes him and he does nor care. With this shout he will, no doubt, not change that status. He stated on Tuesday:

  6. RegTech Open Project - chairman and independent director jump ship
    Over at Companies House, the insolvent fraud RegTech Open Project (RTOP) which delisted from the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 3 January 2025, there is evidence of the winding down of the company.

  7. Gfinity – states “pleasure in presenting our annual accounts”. Er, really?…
    Now digital media-focused, Gfinity plc (GFIN) states “pleasure in presenting our annual accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 2024” – so late and followed by “it has been a difficult year for the company”! What of a current approx. 17% lower share price to 0.062p?

  8. Comptoir Group – trading update and ‘meet the new management’… it’s the same as the old management!
    “Lebanese, Middle Eastern and North African inspired restaurants” group with 22 owned restaurants and a further six franchisee restaurants, Comptoir (COM) states that it “is pleased to announce a Trading Update for the financial year ending 29 December 2024”. So why are the shares at 3.25p comparing to 7.5p at the start of 2024?

  9. Thruvision – argues upcoming “significant milestones are scheduled”, so why then now a “Strategic Review” and formal sale process?…
    Previously on group describing itself as a “leading international provider of walk-through security technology” Thruvision (THRU), at the end of last month with the shares at 8p I wrote “pleased to announce” CEO appointment, and what about other management? which concluded that much suggested all has far from gone to plan here and it’s good luck to Victoria Balchin but still a Sell. So what of today a “Strategic Review” announcement?

  10. Robert Walters – “activity levels were broadly stable in most regions”, but how creditable is that?…
    Recruitment business operating in 31 countries across the globe, Robert Walters (RWA) has issued a trading update headlined “Focused initiatives continue to strengthen the business amidst ongoing challenging market conditions”. So what of a current just above 300p share price, comparing to 380p as recently as October?

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Red Rock cheap as chips? Er...
    I discuss storm damage, lives, Red Rock Resources (RRR), Bluebird Mining Ventures (BMV) and Probiotix (PBX)

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: an idea for Amaroq
    I comment on dramatic weather here in Greece, reply to points made in yesterday's bearcast and look at Technology Minerals (TM1), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Sosandar (SOS)

  3. Tom Winnifrith Birthday Bearcast: Not quite stanzas composed during a thunderstorm
    I am sure that Zak Mir will understand the title, verse composed about Greece by a fellow old Harrovian. This is not about the Pindus mountains but a suggestion of some of the radical measures Rachel from Customer Services could take to start to balance the books and also to drive economic growth. The chances of her doing any of them are zero. I forgot to add in that she should announce measures to progressively increase the pension age over, say, 40 years, from 67 to life expectancy, 81, so as to stop it being a ponzi. Again there is no chance of that happening.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another day of outright frustration in Greece
    Not only the weather but now my phone broke forcing me to head into Kalamata. A bad day. In the podcast I discuss Petra Diamonds (PDL) and AIM's posterboy today, Trellus Health (TRLS) now up 725% in one session!

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Life in a bear market, redemptions, Skinbiotherapeutics, Miton, Woodford etc
    I talk partly from bitter experience as a failed fund manager. I talk in general about redemptions, I make guesses about Miton and I make specific observations about Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). Meanwhile storms rage in Greece so I may be more productive at the keyboard today as I am buggered if I am going out harvesting.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: surely someone has to go to jail over PennPetro? Is Dave Lenigas a whistleblower or a culprit?
    The olive harvest is done and I must rush to the village to be laughed at. In this podcast I look at Pennpetro (PPP), Celadon (CEL) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: going out on a limb, I back Boaz and Saba
    I start with olive harvest news, don't all laugh, then Adam Reynolds, then Saba and the Investment Trust war and finally TekCapital (TEK).

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a man who can fix a Greek toilet can do no wrong
    I start on the last full day in Greece. I leave here at 6 AM GMT and will be travelling all day. So I am reliant on colleagues to file material. If they don't who should I fire first? Then I look at where my worst ever non equity investment has gone so horribly wrong. Nigel Wray will have lost big time too. Finally referencing Technology Minerals (TM1) and Neil Woodford, how the FCA's reliance on simple box ticki8ng means investors are not protected. This needs to change 
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Time left: 18:48:14