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BREAKING: #BoycottLush if you don’t support those who decapitate babies, call for Jews to be gassed and the raping of women as an act of war

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 11 October 2023

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Last night a crowd waving Palestinian flags chanted “gas the Jews” outside the Sydney Opera House. Not Israelis, Jews. Today it emerged that 40 Israeli/Jewish babies had been slaughtered at Kibbutz Aza by Hamas, many decapitated. The civilized world says “We stand with Israel.” But at the Lush store in Dublin the sign below appeared, surely Lush is sacking those responsible. Er…no .

In a statement sent in response to my questions it stated:

We are a diverse company with staff of all nationalities and religions whose personal views and opinions may vary, however, the following is our Company position.

Lush’s stance is always that we deplore all violence and all injustice. Our wish is for peace and safety for all Israeli and Palestinian people. We support the upholding of international law and the human rights of all peoples.


So on a weekend when Israel suffered an old fashioned pogrom at the hands of Hamas it equates that with Israel’s right to defend itself and suggests that it is okay to say boycott Israel, the clear victim here.

This is Lush which brands itself as pro feminist store standing up against the country whose women suffered rape as a war crime on an industrial scale this weekend. Young ladies tempted to shop at Lush tomorrow remember that your cash is going to a chain on the side of the rapists.

This is utterly offensive and as such I urge everyone out there to immediately #BoycottLush – I shall never use its stores again and shall be emailing everyone I know urging them to join the boycott. Until Lush is hit where it hurts, in its fat corporate wallet, and takes the appropriate action of firing those responsible it should be shunned by all civilized folk.

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