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Bulletin Board Moron of the week Competition – paranoid Bidstack & Avacta punter edition

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 22 September 2022

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Some folks really do need therapy. Bidstack (BIDS) deceives its shareholders a fact I prove, its shares slump and who is to blame. Yes it is evil TW, the Jews and a gang of minions. I kid you not., Here are a few posts from the Bidstack and Avacta (AVCT) boards over at ADVFN for you to consider. I omit the one repeating the canard that I am a convicted tax evader ( never even been questioned) but the selection below demonstrates the paranoia and stupidity of some folks. But can you do better? If so add your examples of stupidity from the LSE and ADVFN Bulletin Boards or twitter in the comments section below. The deadline for entries is midnight Saturday.

Bidstack Thread

aidenabettin20 Sep '22 - 18:40 - 4617 of 4624   

I told you all

.The Israelis are involved

.And who do they roll out?

.The UK's #1 piece of Israeli shit



Avacta Thread

tickboo21 Sep '22 - 18:22 - 47521 of 47524      

Winnifrith publishes something and his little minions pollute BBs with their scare stories to make a quick buck on their shorts. Same every single time.

They are trying to suggest the interim RNS is late too which spells trouble. The interim was released on 30 Sept last year and it will be the same this year.

PWhite the expert who was gonna invest but did not as thought Dox under patent. It never gets boring just one of numerous lies he has posted. Best to ignore him and others.


Amanitaangelicus22 Sep '22 - 08:22 - 47524 of 47524   

TW probs bought in first thing am ...for a quick turn. Come on Myles, Avacta needs you.

Still want to hear AS s thoughts on our LFT. It s taking a helluva long time to sort out. Probs not material news now, so wont notify the mkt anyway. Be nice though for the shrooms.


For the avoidance of doubt I am not Jewish – as that is what Jew haters mean by Israeli. I do not have little minions  and I have not bought Avacta this morning. Why would anybody with half a brain cell with a bailout placing looming. You will note tickboo says that I said something I did not actually say. As a non subscriber to bearcast he is not to know what I said so he makes it up so he can shoot it down. Plus ca change.

Now can you find any even more moronic posts. If so post them below…

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