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BREAKING: Now Julie Meyer loses Singapore Court case, judge flags up whopping new lies in her affidavits made under oath

By Tom Winnifrith | Friday 18 March 2022


Hey Ms Lingerie on Expenses: I am not writing this because my mother killed herself but because you have been caught telling hilarious new lies under oath yet again as you lost yet another court case yesterday, this time in Singapore. The ShareProphets woman on the ground out East is still laughing at your mendacity as she brings me details. So it appears is the Judge, Honourable Justice Philip Jeyaretnam.

The case was brought by Julie’s Viva Capital against Spice VC and relates to Spice’s ability to sell some shares which Julie claimed ownership of. So ludicrous were the claims made by Julie, Viva and her lawyers who are now likely to become the 37th firm she has not paid, that costs were awarded in full against Viva. Good luck to Spice in trying to get it to pay.

Now to Julie’s lies which relate to the execution of a an instrument to transfer shares. Julie’s lawyers argued that documents showing a transfer taking place must be forged as she had “changed” her signature from 2021 onwards. That, however, was contradicted by her own signatures on her two affidavits!

Moreover there was a trail of correspondence produced by Spice showing that Julie had acknowledged that she had signed and scanned the instruments of transfer. At this point Ms. Lingerie on Expenses first claimed that her computer had been hacked and then amended that claim just  to say that she could not find the trail on her PC.

The Court noted that there was no evidence to suggest that someone else had hacked into Julie’s email account to send the email and stated that Julie Meyer’s evidence in this regard was “unsatisfactory”.

Julie wheeled out an expert witness, a Greek lawyer residing in Switzerland Dimitri Papadopoulos, who neglected to mention that he had a pre-existing relationship with Viva and Ms. Meyer which was  in breach of his obligations to the Court as an expert witness.  The Court thus ignored what he had to say. Julie, does pick ‘em.

Justice Jeyaretnam concluded that there was “overwhelming” evidence that Julie had signed the instruments of transfer and sent them in an email. He also stated that the implication of this finding is that Julie had lied on affidavit.

Julie Meyer lie in Court andunder oath! Well quelle surprise. Guess what? The Pope is a Catholic! Of course Viva will not pay a cent but I guess that is one more jurisdiction where Ms Meyer won’t be paying a visit to. It is added to a growing list. Ms. Lingerie and sex toy on Expenses is already facing a six month jail term and an FCA criminal probe if she ever returns to the UK,  an IRS angry about 20 years of lies and unpaid bills in the USA and a regulator who still wants a word or two in Malta.

No doubt Julie reckons this is all part of a global conspiracy against her by evil misogynists and that she can carry on lying and trying to get hold of assets that do not belong to her by lying and that by smearing and trolling her critics she will get away with it as she has done for 20 years.  I rather think that the net is tightening and that her crime spree iscoming to an end.

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