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BREAKING: Julie Meyer says Mr Justice Kerr doesn't understand the law and she has invoiced Queen’s Lawyer’s Farrer for £1 million & will “destroy “ them

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 7 March 2022


You may have thought that Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer was on the ropes what with that High Court arrest warrant, the 6 month jail sentence and the FCA Criminal enquiry. Au contraire, thanks to Winnileaks I have a letter from Ms Meyer explaining how UK journalists discriminate against American women as they are all misogynists, Mr Justice Kerr, who sentenced her to 6 months, does not understand the law and how she does not owe her ex-lawyer Julian Pike at Farrer &Co £300,000 at all. She has, in fact, invoiced him for £1million! And she will “destroy” his firm.  Enjoy!

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