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The Versarien Cultists have their cake and eat it as Ian Westbrook hits £20,000 target - start sweating Neill Ricketts

By Tom Winnifrith, The Sheriff of AIM | Wednesday 11 August 2021

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

The good news is, and I thank so many generous Shareprophets readers, that Ian Westbrook has – as you can see here – raised £20,000 and so, in January, the loathsome pig Neill Ricketts will get to sweat in Court. I shall be preparing my deposition for Ian’s barrister next week. Natch the Bulletin Board cultists were driven to a frenzy of rage by this.

One group suggested that they cared for Ian, he was letting himself face ruinous bills and – having delighted in predicting that he would fail to hit £20,000 – now urged him to walk away. Oh you are such caring poltroons.

Meanwhile prize loon Roger the Grouch, who draws cartoons of myself and Lucian Miers being crushed by Ricketts, when not losing his shirt on the Versarien promote, boasts that he has donated £10 and will withdraw that at the last minute so leaving ian £6 short and having to return £19,994 to donors.

Dirty tricks from the King of Versarien (VRS) morons. Fear not, Ian will deal with that.

Meanwhile Versarien continues to burn its way through well over £300,000 a month and, at 32.8p, is capitalised at £64 million. For a company with sod all sales of graphene and which will, by this time next year have net debt and rapidly declining cash), that remains a joke.

Keep selling as we prepare for the Ricketts sweating in Court like a pig show after Christmas.  

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