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How did your mum die? Said the troll on the phone

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 30 November 2020


Since late last week, I have been getting repeated calls from a “Private Number”. The caller usually hung up before I could answer. Occasionally I heard silence and then he hung up. I say “he” because today he found his voice.

“How did your mum die?” He asked. I was lost for words. I have written openly about her suicide HERE and about how society just does not handle the wider issue of suicide quite extensively. There is no point in hiding this matter as my late Uncle Chris put it into the public domain and, actually, there is no shame in it anyway either for her as she was unwell and certainly not for her children or wider family.

But as I noted here, those who do not like the way that I expose financial fraud or stockmarket promotes, harass me and my family in a number of ways and by suggesting that I may have mental health issues because of my mother is one of them.

Anyhow, this troll repeated the question over and over again. After a while, I said “you know how she died.”   And at that point, he hung up.  Right now it is an upsetting episode but if the troll thinks it will stop me writing and exposing whatever scam he is invested in, he really does not understand me at all.

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