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Schedule for ShareProphets Shares Show TODAY published - it is totally amazing!

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 9 May 2020


The great show is almost upon us. You can still book tickets HERE and we will be upo all night processing. If you have booked but not received a ticket pester Darren on . The videos interviews of 30 CEOs with me, six share tips from each of our writers and two dozen book reviews are up all day. But on the main stages and in the experts room speakers come on one by one so to plan your day, here is the quite amazing schedule. You really want to book a seat if you have not already. Remember all content will be up until Christmas but the chat rooms to engage with speakers are up just for the show itself. so BOOK HERE

Main Stage 1

9:00 Introductory remarks 

9:01 Woodlarks

9:11 Jim Mellon

10:01 Evil

10:55 Paul Jourdan

11:45 Tom Winnifrith on the Nature of fraud

12:25 Lunch Break

12:55 Luke Johnson

13:21 Paul Kavanagh

14:11 Tea Break 

14:31 Gabrial Gabro

15:31 Mark Slater


Main Stage 2

9:00 Introductory remarks 

9:01 Woodlarks

9:11 Vin Muria

9:48 Graham Neary

10:58 AIM Rogue Directors XI & the stock presenting my pension bought - Tom Winnifrith

12:00 Lunch Break

12:30 Lucien Miers

13:45 Adam Reynolds

14:37 Chris Wood on house prices

15:20 Tea Break

15:40 Matt Earl

16:40 Carson Block of Muddy Waters



9:00 Introductory remarks 

9:01 Woodlarks

9:11 Dominic Frisby ( liberty & economics)

9:45 Malcolm Burne ( Gold)

10:29 Richard Poulden  ( Gold)

11:00  Peter Hambro  ( Gold)

11:30  Andrew Bell  ( Gold)

12:04 Colin Bird ( Mining stocks)

12:49 Andrew Monk  (The markets)

13:35 Lunch Break

14:05 Chris Bailey  (The markets)

14:30 Peter Brailey ( oil)

15:00 Zak Mir (The markets)

15:50 James Delingpole  ( liberty & economics)

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Time left: 07:22:08