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Aussie poltroon ambulance chasers Slater & Gordon to take on Hargreaves over Woodford

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 31 October 2019


There are some contests where you want everyone to lose: The FSA vs ISIS vs Hezbollah in Syria, the Democratic primary once Tulsi Gabbard pulls out, a tournament involving the English rugby team and the German and Argie soccer teams. You get my drift. And that brings me to Aussie ambulance chasing lawyers Slater & Gordon (SGH) of Quindell infamy. I have a word of advice for S&G.

As you cam see below it is trying to find folks for an action against Hargreaves Landsdowne (HL.) for stuffing its clients into Woodford funds and not advising them to exit as Hargreaves own funds did just that. My advice to Slater & Gordon is clear.

You would not have brought your own company to its knees, destroying 99% of shareholder value had you invested £5.99 a month to read all our articles about Quindell showing that it was a fraud. Instead you saved £5.99 but spunked £649 million buying Quenron. I suggest that if you are going after Hargreaves you might do your research a bit better this time and sign up to the site that exposed all of what was going on at Woodford as Hargreaves urged its clients to but Neil's funds. Slater & Gordon, you can sign up and read our full 1000 artiicle archive HERE. My advice today is to do just that..


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