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GOTCHA! Another win for the Sheriff of AIM: Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart, Quindell & China fraud infamy no longer in financial services. Its official!

By Tom Winnifrith, The Sheriff of AIM | Monday 21 October 2019


Before it went bust, City advisor Daniel Stewart (DAN) was one of the firms that made the grave mistake of sending me a fascist lawyers letter. Natch I told it to get stuffed. The brother of boss Peter Shea threatened to beat me up but when I pirched up outside his firm's Christmas Party a few weeks later he scuttled away like the coward he is. Daniel Stewart floated the mega fraud Quindelland numerous China frauds, covering up for firms like Naibu even after it knew it was a fraud.  Our extensive coverage of this company and of its boss Peter Shea continued even as he tried new dodgy tricks this year as you can see HERE. But now we have good news, as you can see below...

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