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A lawyer acting for a scumbag threatens me as I carry my Uncle's Coffin - here is his letter

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 13 July 2019


The lawyer in question is an avid reader of ShareProphets so he and his client will have been fully aware as to my location on Thursday afternoon when they sent his latest missive. I asked you to guess who could be so utterly morally bankrupt as to behave in this way. 45% of you guessed correctly HERE

It was indeed Peter McGrath of Tweed acting for devout Christian Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer. As you can see below a man acting for someone who refused to go to Malta to face criminal charges and who is  under a criminal investigation by the FCA thinks that he and his client have the right to define who is an investigative journalist and what such a person should write. Thankfully we do not live in such an Orwellian world. Yet. 

I shall reply to McGrath at my leisure. Suffice to say, that I have now reported in detail Mr McGrath and Ms Meyer to the North Wales Police for both harassment and a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The crime reference number is 19100376770.

My advice to Mr McGrath is that he seeks professional legal advice and desists from further acts which will only add to the trouble he now finds himself in.


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