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ShareProphets under DOS attack again, can you guess who is trying to gag us?

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 1 June 2019


Earlier today the ShareProphets website went down as a result of a DOS attack. This was a deliberate cyber crime targeting this website only. We have now put in place counter measures which may make the website slower, until the DOS attack ceases, but keeps it up exposing criminals, fraudsters and liars. This is not the first time we have faced a DOS attack.

Keen observers will note that while we have faced a good number of DOS attacks in recent times they appear to have coincided with when we are at war with one particular figure.  I am sure it is just a coincidence.

Fear not the exposes will continue and if you support a free investigative press that does not back down in the face of cyber attacks, fascist lawyers letters and other industrial scale intimidation and are not yet subscribing to this fine website at just £5.99 a month please support our work and do so HERE

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