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Julie Meyer quotes the vicar and forgives as The Times publishes an "Exclusive" expose (straight from ShareProphets)

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 2 March 2019


Once upon a time, when a journalist claimed an exclusive it meant something no-one else had published. But I guess times change. The lead story in today’s Times Business section is an expose on Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer which hack James Hurley is tweeting is an “exclusive.” Sufice to say, ShareProphets readers will not be that shocked by what Hurley reveals.

Hurley “reveals” that Meyer is being investigated by the FCA for alleged criminal activity relating to the demise of Ariadne Capital. Wow. Here is me saying that the FCA was investigating Meyer in October last year. I have repeated the allegation a number of times.

Hurley also reveals that the Insolvency Service is investigating Meyer. Well who would have thought that given that I published a letter from the Insolvency service confirming the same on 5 December as you can see HERE

Move over Woodward & Bernstein here comes James Hurley taking 87 day old articles from elsewhere to create his “exclusive.”

I accept that the Times reaches more folks than I do but claiming an exclusive which is not is just bad form. Maybe I am just old and times have changed and I should just accept that lying by a journalist is now part of the game and move on.

I find the fact that whether in politics, business, sport or journalism lying is now deemed “part of the game” and cheating just “a facet of modern life” one of the most depressing aspects of life in Airstrip One.

No-one may care that it takes place but I do and will call it out as such. Julie Meyer has reacted calmly to the revelations re-tweeting the vicar from HTB in response. Praise be the Lord.

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