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A third rogue blogger joins the 32 mile Woodlarks Charity walk – now get donating!

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 22 July 2018


Thank God for small mercies. Now we can start a rota on who has to listen to Brokerman Dan blathering on about blockchain and what a frigging genius Clem Chambers is. For now there is a third rogue blogger joining us as we walk the 32 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks on July 28. He is a man who knows Horse Hill well…

It is Lucian Miers who can count the start of the walk as part of his UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) – of which he is short – due diligence.  As of today we have raised 69% of our £20,000 target. Woodlarks is an amazing charity offering holidays to folks whose physical condition means they would never, otherwise, get a break. Woodlarks is run by volunteers on a shoestring so £20,000 would make all the difference.

Think of Lucian suffering as Dan drones on and please donate HERE

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