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Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Time to be nice to Paul Scott but John Meyer needs to listen hard about MySquar & get off his arse

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 20 June 2018


Okay despite all the harsh ( but arguably fair) things I have said about him, thirsty Paul Scott has just donated £50 to the Woodlarks sponsored walk charity appeal so I am going to be nice about him for a while unless he has a twitter meltdown. Chaka Khan. Chaka Khan. Cheeese. Anyhow surely you can follow Paul, watch this video HERE to see the great works Woodlarks does then donate a few quid HERE. In the podcast I take MySquar (MYSQ) apart, John Meyer at SP Angel needs to wake up, listen and get off his arse. I also look at Frontera (FRR) - bailout placing at 0.3p? - IDOX (IDOX) and Herencia (GER)

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