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Customer Announcement: Two big changes to ShareProphets

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 19 June 2018


Don’t say we don’t listen. The first is as a result of your feedback!

You said that the share price data and chart at the top of articles slowed download, was often wrong and was useless. I agree. It was another daft idea from Darren and I have asked him to remove it at once. This site is about breaking news, quality analysis and exposing fraud. If you want data go elsewhere. So that will be gone asap.

The second change is from us. As things stand paying customers get access to everything. Non-paying customers get access to three articles a month but no bearcast. Some articles (not many), such as the PLC videos from UK Investor Show are free to all. The small number of free articles – mainly those videos – will stay unchanged.

But following the trend now well established across the media we will be taking another two or three articles a day behind the paywall – the premium content. So if you want the best articles on this website and also the bearcasts you will need to pay. £5.99 a month, less than 2p per article, is not going to break the bank is it?

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