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Now Julie Meyer's Lawyer Julian Pike uses her time travel machine - as he smears and lies for his client

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 5 June 2018


Almost certainly using technology lifted from the SpinVox fraud she backed and still defends today, Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer has created a time travel machine. Now, thanks to the Times Newspaper, we can see that her bully boy lawyer Julian Pike of Farrer & Co is using it too as he smears critics and tells outright lies for his client. 

The Times ran a decent piece yesterday (see below)  explaining how Julie Meyer had used her investment fund, ACE, i.e. Other people's money to buy a 15% stake in worthless ECG from Ariadne Capital Limited (largely owned by Meyer) thus keeping it afloat. Very correctly The Times attributed the scoop to ShareProphets and to me. It put the allegations (backed up entirely by companies house filings, one Winnileaks file and the administrators report) to Julian Prick who is quoted in the piece but said far more to the times. What he actually said was: 

"Winnifrith‘s claims are imaginary. The ACE Fund consists of highly sophisticated investors in tech businesses for who it’s four-person investment committee makes strategic investment decisions. 

The committee‘s decisions go back to 2014 and are properly minuted and all investors are in receipt of the investment decisions and on-going performance information on a quarterly basis 

ACE’s planned investment in Entrepreneur Country is with a view to realising a substantial return in due course."


To Time Travel first and the third paragraph.  Julian Prick says that ACE's investment in ECG is "planned". But according to Meyer, and her latest begging appeal for cash, it has already taken place and indeed according to the 2016 filed accounts of Ariadne Capital Limited it took place back then. So it is not planned unless ACE is planning it now and then using Julie's time machine to arrange it later back in 2016.

I note that when the initial investment was made, Julie stated in the 29/2/16 ACE spreadsheet notes that an exit for ECG was due Q1 2018. So promises of a future exit for a company not generating a cent of revenue look a bit stale don't you think Mr Prick?

Second to Prick's claim in the middle paragraph. He is doing a Cathy Newman that is to say accusing me of saying something I did not and then attacking me on that basis. I am sure Julie minutes all decisions and keeps investors up to date. It is just a pity that her missives to investors contain slam dunk lies.

As to my claims being "imaginary" ? (top paragraph) Well they are all documented at Companies House, in the Leonard Curtis administrators report as well as in Winnileaks disclosures. They are far from imaginary. They are real and that is why Julie Meyer faces all sorts of potential sanctions including jail time for her crimes.

I have to wonder why Julian Prick is spouting such obvious tosh. It is such drivel that he really should stop trying to be Julie's PR man and go back to what he does best, trying to shut down and harass whistleblowers and journalists with fascistic lawyers letters. Either Julian Prick enjoys telling blatant lies or he enjoys taking orders from someone else who does, that is to say Julie Meyer.


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