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Clem's London Blockchain Summit – 30% Discount for ShareProphets Readers

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 19 May 2018


We may like to have a bit of a Turkish when posting videos featuring Clem Chambers of ADVFN (AFN) explaining blockchain but we still run a couple of newsletters together so, on that basis, if you want to go to Clem's great blockchain conference in London on June 13th there is a 30% discount on tickets for ShareProphets readers.

I can't be there as I am now on a strict training schedule for my charity walk to Woodlarks with Brokerman Dan - I sense that there is a gaping fitness gap between myself and the old bank robber -  but I know three folks who are attending the show which is at Old Billingsgate in the heart of the City. I am told that:

CryptoCompare, one of the foremost websites in the world for information on digital currencies, has teamed up with ADVFN and MJAC Disruptive Investment Conferences to bring the most exciting blockchain event ever to London.

Major players from the blockchain industry will be speaking at the summit and over 50 eminent companies will be exhibiting. The one-day event will include investment panels, business panels and presentations from the likes of Ripple, Coinbase and BlockEx

There will be an exclusive after show networking event, sponsored by Laneaxis which will be open to all delegates.

To get your 30% off tickets use the promotional code SHAREPROPHETS or book HERE

The Agenda is:

⦁ What is blockchain and how it is changing the world we live in,
⦁ Blockchain and banking,
⦁ Cryptocurrency exchanges,
⦁ How to list a new digital currency,
⦁ Investment funds and Bitcoin,
⦁ Blockchain and its applications in the gaming eco-system,
⦁ How to mine, buy and trade digital currencies,
⦁ Wallets and how to store your cryptocurrencies safely,
⦁ Bitcoin Futures – How to trade them,
⦁ Governance in blockchain,
⦁ The latest blockchain innovations and ICOs,
⦁ The future of blockchain and its applications.

This story is available to all readers
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