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Tonight we expose a 1 billion fraud - tomorrow Tom W share tip & Mark Slater's buys

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 3 May 2018

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Do you really want to miss out on all of this for the sake of saving just £5.99 a month? Tonight on ShareProphets we will expose a 1 billion capitaised fraud. Make no mistake this is a zero. And we will also reveal which idiots have threatened Tom Winnifrith with legal action as well as publishing another main stage video from UK Investor - Mr Property, Nick Leslau. But to access all this premium content you need to invest £5.99 a month. And tomorrow is Mark Slater day.

Let's start with the fraud, its a zero and there is only 1 UK outlet that is brave enough to take part in the exposure. That is ShareProphets. Quindell, Globo, Telit, the list is long. Some folks tip these frauds, we face down lawyers letters to expose them. Tonight we go into battle again...

To access the UK's top fraudbusting website in full you need to sign up HERE

Then there is Nick Leslau, mr Property talking retailaggedon, what property shares to buy, UK house prices, buy to let and Purplebricks. While Tom Winnifrith will also respond and expose the latest idiots who have threatened him with legal action.

Tomorrow is Mark Slater day with - for paying customers only - a video of his presentation at UK Investor where the UK's top performing fund manager of the past decade outlined what he is holding, buying and selling and why. We will also have the final share tip from the show, one penned by Tom Winnifrith.

Both will only be for paying customers at ShareProphets - sign up HERE

Why else should you sign up? There are the bearcasts. These break news as well as providing hard analysis. This week has seen new exposes on the shocking demise of Beaufort and how its customers are now being raped by PWC, on Andalas, on Telit and on so much more,

To sign up for just £5.99 a month and get all of this go HERE.

And there is all the other content. On average we run around 300 articles a month on ShareProphets so your subscription works out at less than 2p per article. This website has exposed nearly all of the AIM frauds of the past five years including the biggest, Quindell and Globo.

We campaign against patent wrongs in financial services such as the actions of the devout Christian Julie Meyer MBE ( 3 lawyers letters received to date but we fight on) as well as exposing all the big frauds on the stockmarket.. We are fearless, swatting away lawyers letters, and I hope entertaining and informative. Just today we will break news of an fat cat AIM CEO being fired as his company faces an RTO to save its bacon - watch this space!

I hope that you will sign up today - if you have not done so already - for more brave and gutsy journalism 52 weeks a year plus all the UK Investor Show videos, share tips and hard analysis. You can do so HERE.

Best wishes

Tom Winnifrith

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