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How is Razwan Nazir fit to work in financial services as he applauds the October 7 massacre in Israel and compares the Jewish state to Nazis? A question for White Rose Finance

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 4 December 2023


Thanks to the heroic campaigner "Gnasher Jew" I bring you two screenshots of tweets sent by Razwan Nazir who co-owns Consilium Corporate Finance a company engaged in financial services thanks to White Rose Finance giving it AR status. That AR status means that Razwan can carry on activities the FCA supervises. The tweets are shocking.

In the first he compares Israel to the Nazis. Given what the Nazis did to the Jews anyone can see how offensive that is. His comparisons are also factually false. For instance, Gaza is not a ghetto or a camp and Israel put no Palestinians there. They were there from when Egypt controlled it and, for what it is worth, population density in Gaza is much less than in, say, New York City. Israel was never founded to promote the superiority of the Jewish race. That is why many MPs, soldiers, supreme court judges, national soccer team players are Arabs, drawn from the one fifth of the population that is Arab. I could go on.

His second tweet, sent on October 9, praises the Hamas pogrom of Jews two days previously, when 1200 folks were slaughtered, babies baked alive in ovens, woman and men were gang raped, men, women and babies beheaded and burned alive. This was the worst pogrom since World War two. Razwan is beneath contempt in seeking to legitimise it, in praising the work of a proscribed terror group

I put this to John Kent of White Rose who said that he is contacting Razwan for his side of the story. But I cannot see that there is any doubt what Razwan said or intended. Kent also stated that White Rose was discussing this with its compliance consultants as it took no political view and wanted to know where it stood legally.

Kent accused me of being angry or aggressive when I suggested that Never Again means that you do not say or do nothing as so many folks did back in 1939. Yes I am fucking angry when folks stand by and let vermin like Razwan Nazir spout such evil.

White Rose should consider its reputation. Does it wish to get commercial benefit from associating with Razwan and his firm when Razwan espouses such odious and hateful views. My profound hope is that White Rise terminates its AR relationship with Coinsilium and that that puts the Jew hating Nazir out of business. It boots him out of financial services.

If any other clients of White Rose read this I'd hope that they make it clear that they will take their business elsewhere if White Rose refuses to act. Doing nothing is just not good enough, it is shameful.


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