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Photo Article: Woodlarks, the Rogue Bloggers meet up as 1 group, lose Andrew Bell and cross the finish line

By Tom Winnifrith & Darren Atwater | Saturday 17 June 2023


In the distance, the finish line

All the rogue bloggers, bar Andrew Bell who got lost

Woodlarks director with Tom

The final Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks trek has ended. About a mile and a half before the finish, Dr Sam, Steve Moore and reader Nick from Islington caught the old geezers bar Andrew Bell who had wandered into a pub to emerge at Woodlarks a bit later in a taxi. The remaining walkers now in increasing pain, especially me, somehow managed the last bit which really is 90% uphill and met up with heroic Woodlarks supremo  Nick, posed for a group photo and headed up the drive to an enthusiastic reception from campers and carers. That always warms my heart and it is that reception I try to think about in those last painful miles. We have now raised, with gift aid, more than £27,000 so thanks to you all. If you have so far forgotten to give you can still donate HERE.

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