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Watch out, Gavin Burnell of Globo and Novum infamy - you have a violent doppelganger in your home town!

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 28 March 2022


Poor old Gavin. As if life wasn’t hard enough already for the old scallywag, several people have been in touch to suggest that the violent train hoodlum, flagged up on Twitter below, is, in fact, the colourful financier. Of course, though the hoodlum appears to live in the same town as Burnell, it cannot be him, since Gavin is both an honourable and respected member of the financial community. And thus I must warn him that he has a doppelganger who, like him, lives in Woking, and who, unlike Burnell, seems not quite the true scholar and gentleman.  

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