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If you like pubs or Wales – here are some shares I bought: deadline midnight Sunday

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 11 December 2021


I am not so keen on pubs these days and my feelings on my fellow residents of the rain sodden* land that is Wales fluctuate. But I have invested a modest sum as a present for my daughter in a fund raise that closes at midnight Sunday. If you like pubs or Wales or both I urge you to join me on the shareholder list. Will I make money? I doubt it so this is like most stocks on AIM but this is a good cause.

The community in the Vale of Aeron is trying to raise £330,000 to buy the local boozer to run as a community co-operative. This is not the sort of place to have numerous village amenities or indeed any. So it is very much at the heart of a community which is almost two thirds Welsh speaking. So, given my father’s interest in minority languages and in pubs I know he would have invested. And I hope some of you will do too. It is an ideal Christmas present of one of your nearest and dearest is either noted for being thirsty or Welsh. Step forward daughter Olaf in my case who ticks both boxes.

As on now the campaign has raised just over £300,000. £330,000 is needed with a minimum investment of £200.  Go on: join me and 450 others on the shareholder list HERE.

Not right now as rain sodden as Greece where i am at present as the storm rages and rain lashes down.

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Time left: 12:04:50