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Now the Zoetic numbskulls up the harassment and try to hack the Tom Winnifrith computer via some phishing!

By Tom Winnifrith | Friday 19 March 2021

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Late night menacing phone calls from hired bully Seth were spurred on by Zoetic (ZOE) shareholders. There is the online trolling. New twitter accounts sent up to impersonate me and spit out bile just at me crop up weekly. I can’t remember if it was this lot who posted death threats or Supply@ME Capital (SYME) owning morons. One act of harassment blurs into another when you expose frauds. Last night I got a strange email which is below..

I was encouraged to hit a link. At that point I was asked to hit another link but there was a name on the holding page, that of a company which tracks IP of emails, etc etc. I did not hit the link. This was a phishing scam by someone. It may be Zoetic owning morons or maybe some other morons. But they are morons. Anyhow this attempt failed but the letter, though bogus and sent from a secure protonmail account, was interesting. Here it is.

Hi Mr Winnifrith.

Mark is not my real name, it is a pseudonym I am using for the purpose of this mail and I am sending this anonymously because I am afraid of losing my job and my career with this. 

I am an employee of Zoetic International, London branch and I work in the financial department, more than that I cannot tell you as I fear for my future should my name be divulged.

About 3 months ago I asked my manager about discrepancies I’d spotted in some of our investment research and I was not only rudely kicked out of the room but threatened of the consequences if I ever came back with something like that or if I even talked to anyone about it. I have since been threatened with legal and disciplinary action and find myself ostracised by my colleagues.

 About a month ago I came across your twitter profile by luck on my news feed talking about Zoetic lying to their investors. I admire your work and I see you have taken on companies like these before so I am entrusting you with the documents that I have uploaded to my cloud system. These documents do not reveal my name nor am I the only one who has access to them. Please once you have all the documents reply back to me so I know that something is being done and I can cover myself. 


This has taken a mental toll on me, and my clear disgust with the situation has led to  constant bullying  by my superiors and I am tired of it. I know I should stand up for myself but it has been made abundantly clear to me that there will be consequences if I leave now and in the current situation  getting a job in London is hard enough as it is due to these ridiculous lockdowns  I am afraid I cant do anything more than this. 

I hope you use this information well.




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