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The £35m ponzi the FCA missed, Buy 2 Let Cars Limited – have savers lost over 80% of their outstanding capital? No it's more - jail time must beckon

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 18 March 2021


I think they have and, given how much warning I gave the FCA, this will go down as yet another epic fail by a regulator who did nothing until it is too late.  Once again the regulator addresses the concerns of the middle classes yakking on about the gender pay gap and diversity among very well paid white collar employees but in terms of protecting financially unsophisticated lower middle class and working class folks, its actual job, it fails. Screw the plebs, it is not as if senior FCA staffers have any social contact with the dirty oiks, is it? Like the 14 year old girls in Rotherham, they are just trash. They don’t matter. As for Buy to Let, its boss, Reginald Larry-Cole, might tick all the FCA’s diversity boxes but he is a crook. He needs to go to jail.

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