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Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast for Roger Lawson: your post Burford proposals are largely unwise & would be, largely, counter productive

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 21 August 2019


In the wake of the Muddy waters attack on Burford (BUR) Roger Lawson of ShareSoc has published a detailed set of proposals to tackle what he sees as a big problem as you can see HERE. He makes a couple of suggestions which we can agree on as being utterly sensible. But he fails to grasp that existing laws can deal with other issues, the problem is that they are never implemented. He goes on to make a number of proposals which are naive and would gag websites like this in the extremis making London markets, already a great place for fraudsters and shameless promoters to do business, even more friendly for such folks. They would be a disaster as I explain in detail.

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Time left: 04:27:43