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A Two VITAL questions Letter to Amber Rudd MP about the stolen £65,000 & London & Capital Finance

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 4 April 2019


The scandal about the £240 million London & Capital Finance ponzi, which we have done so much to expose here, grows by the day. The real scandal is that it is just the tip of the mini-bond iceberg and those politicians such as Nicky Morgan on the LCF case should now, as a matter of urgency, be looking at other schemes that are still taking in money such as the West Ham promoted one we exposed HERE.  But back to LCF and Amber Rudd.

Following pressure from Fleet Street legend Brian Basham, Ms Rudd has now said that the £5,000 her local party received from Tory activist Simon Hume Kendall who is at the heart of the LCF ponzi has been returned but this begs two questions. I have today contacted Ms Rudd as you can see below.

Re London & Capital Finance and £65,000 of dirty stolen money donated to the Conservatives

Dear Amber

Having done so much to expose the London & Capital Finance ponzi I am delighted to read that you have accepted that donations made by Simon Hume Kendall, the leading Conservative activist  at the heart of this fraud are dirty money.

I read that  you have, belatedly, insisted that your local Conservative association return a £5,000 donation. An acceptance that this money is dirty/stolen is most welcome. But it begs two questions.

1. Did you return that £5,000 to the victims of this fraud, the pensioners who will lose 80% of their “safe” investment, by sending a cheque to the administrators or did you simply return it to your fellow Conservative grandee, Mr Hume Kendall who has benefitted massively from this fraud? Can you please clarify this matter as a matter of urgency.

2. Having accepted that cash should be returned I wonder how you feel about the £60,000 of stolen cash that Mr Hume Kendall donated to the Conservative party at a national Level. Can I have your assurance e that the Conservative party will return that cash, not to the former chairman of Tunbridge Wells Conservatives but direct to the administrators?

I look forward to your reply.


Tom Winnifrith

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