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Please follow Adam Reynolds & his Mrs (Susan Dando): Nine Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks update – last year we raised £26,000: in 2019, so far…

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 23 April 2019


Thank you to all of you who have donated to the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks appeal this year. As you might just know, the rogue bloggers (nine confirmed so far) will walk the 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks on May 25 and we realy want you to sponsor us HERE

Last year Woodlarks managed to do its amazing work on just £115,000 and the so our appeal ( with gift aid) raising £32,000 made a huge difference. This year we aim to do even better and are targeting £40,000 plus gift aid.

As of now, a donation from Adam Reynolds & his Mrs, "superStar" Champ Susan Dando, has taken us to  £11,415  but I have firm pledges not yet recorded of another £6,500 so we are making big progress.

The work Woodlarks does is quite amazing. And for it to continue we need to get close to that target. I know that many ShareProphets readers have donated but MOST have not yet. Might you please consider a donation, even if it is just a tenner today HERE

Your confirmed rogue bloggers are: myself, Lucian Miers, Brokerman Dan, Andrew Bell, Brian Basham (aged 76), Jonathan Price and James Price. Adam Reynolds has a wedding to attend but will do a 25 mile walk with me in may as part of my training and the Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater has pledged to trundle along for the last ten miles. Winston Smith has signed up to do all 33. So that is nine rogue bloggers (plus Adam) and I continue to seek more volunteers.

Please support us and donate HERE

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