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IN THREE DAYS: Enjoy an audience with Gervais Williams (AND the cheapest stock on AIM) - book a free seat now

By ShareProphets | Friday 22 February 2019

Disclosure: Financial Investigative Media Limited, which is not owned by Tom Winnifrith but by a trust for his dependants, owns shares in companies mentioned in this article. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

For 18 years Gervais Williams of Miton has been one of the UK's top small cap fund managers delivering an  annualised return of 8.7% over that period, almost 2 points per annum better than the market. Miton (MGR) is itself listed and has been a good share to own. So what is the secret of Williams' success and what small cap shares is he buying or selling right now?

Williams will open up to Zak Mir and take questions from the audience at the next UK Investor Show City Forum on February 25 at the Brewery on Chiswell Street. Also presenting and taking questions will be three companies led by Red Rock Resources (RRR) whose CEO Andrew Bell will be there to pitch his case. With many caveats I recently said that Red Rock might just be the cheapest stock on AIM at 0.6p.

There will also be a pich by David Sefton the boss of Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) which has featured on this website of late.

To meet Bell, Williams, Sefton and one other CEO reserve your free seat HERE

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