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Cometh the day, cometh the man: we call on king fraudster Sam Antar to save Tesla and become its new CFO

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 8 September 2018

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

It seems that after just a month in situe the chief bean counter for the fraudsters who run Tesla (TSLA) has decided that he’d rather not earn $10 million and has quit. A great American company is in trouble and there is only one man who can save it. Today we launch a campaign to draft in Sam Antar as the new CFO of Tesla and if you are on twitter here’s how you can help.

For a decade and a half Sam cooked the books at the family run fraud that was Crazy Eddie’s. Bogus sales, bogus profits, tax evasion, bogus cashflows, fooling dumb-arse sell-side analysts, fund managers and auditors KPMG, Sam did it all, helping to make Crazy Eddie’s a darling of Wall Street. These days Sam helps to bust frauds and is brilliant at it as you can see HERE.

But if anyone can save Tesla it is Sam if he returns to his original calling. With sam in charge Tesla would soon b e reporting hugve profits and have wall Street analysts urging clients to buy allowing Elon M usk to dump all his stock, sorry I meant Tesla to refinance with a bailout share placement.

So to save the good ship Tesla there is only one way forward. We call on all concerned crony capitalists to send the following email

@elonmusk you would be off your head if you did not appoint @samantar at once as your CFO for the sake of your great American company please do so at once. No need for a reg filing just tweet that you are onside

A 45 minute podcast with Sam recorded earlier this year can be found here

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