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Kerboom! Another Winnileaks Exclusive: It is not just US taxes which Julie Meyer has been "tardy" in paying - debts to HMRC exposed

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 22 May 2018


Oh dear, oh dear, another day and another set of documents arrives at Winnileaks. Yesterday we showed how devout Christian Julie "more lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE was in deep merde with the US taxman, the IRS and had also committed a criminal offence in lying to the IRS by not declaring a source of income. Today we expose Ms Meyer's equally worrying problems with the British taxman. She may have a letter from the Queen and an MBE but she has been depriving Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs of money that is rightfully its. Naughty, naughty.

The documents below show that Meyer is a serial late payer of taxes and of filing returns and has racked up huge arrears. As ever, Meyer has pleaded poverty with the taxman while telling the media how wealthy she is, and in February this year managed a short term payment plan, paying off the 50 grand she owed at a monkey a month. But that was set to be reviewed last week. I do hope that this did not slip Julie's mind.

Now, I wonder if in pleading poverty Julie remembered to tell the HMRC about her Swiss earnings she faiiled to declare to the IRS (an offence for which she could get three years)? If it had slipped her mind, she need fear not for it was declared on her behalf by a concerned citizen two weeks ago.

As someone who does pay his taxes I do rather question whether someone who does not, so depriving Her Majesty of much needed cash, should be allowed to keep their MBE. What do you think?

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