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UPDATED: Julie Meyer really has made the Maltese Cross - are legal proceedings being accelerated and what happens after the next no show?

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 22 May 2018


There is more chance of me shagging the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad by midnight on Thursday than of devout Christian Julie "sex shop purchases on expenses" Meyer MBE turning up in a Maltese Court to answer the criminal charges she faces. Her failure to attend has infuriated the Maltese as have the emails sent to the Judge by her lawyer Julian Pike of Farrer & Co which were branded illegal and unethical. But what has really goaded the Maltesers was her bizarre claims last week that they were sexist, corrupt Marxists.

Meyer had been scheduled to appear again to face criminal charges relating to non payment of wages on June 13. However multiple sources in Malta tell me that the Court could be reconvened tomorrow, Wednesday, to hear the case. If, or rather when, Meyer declines to attend one wonders what the next steps would be?

Update: As ever, my sources were correct: The Court starts at 8AM GMT I have tweeted Julie's lawyer to ask if she is attending but no reply yet

Might Malta seek an international arrest warrant? Perhaps more likely is that this might accelerate moves to have Meyer struck off and barred as a company director in Malta. That would have two implications.

1. the British authorities would be informed. We know that the FCA and the MFSA are working closely on the numerous Meyer issues. Might moves start to see her removed as a director of her remaining British companies?

2. The Maltese companies would thus be left without directors and that would start moves to wind them up which will reveal that they are of no substance whatsoever. Tomorrow I shall be demonstrating c/o Winnileaks how Meyer's claims to be making profits in Malta are just sheer fiction. 

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