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Julie Meyer's shamed lawyer shuts down another critic thanks to spineless twitter

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 22 May 2018


It is only a matter of time before devout Christian Julie "sex toys on expenses" Meyer and her lawyer Julian Pike of Farrer & Co - slammed for illegal and unethical behaviour on her behalf by a Maltese Judge the other week - try to get this website or my twitter account taken down. For now they pick on other critics and weedy twitter is showing whose side it is on. It is not that of free speech.

The evidence of Ms Meyer's wrongdoing mounts daily and I am expecting big developments in both the UK and Malta shortly yet - despite telling the IRS that she has just £500 in the bank - Ms Meyer has hired uber expensive lawyers Farrer's - who also act for the Queen - and they are hard at work.

Last week they persuaded the web hoster medium to remove all posts and stop any future postings by whistleblower John Galt. Today Pike has managed to get twitter to suspend the critical account @Ariadnebankrupt . Surely a brief google search would reveal that Pike is not acting in the public interest.

I fear the worst.

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