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Roger Lawson & ShareSoc links a hate crime against my wife with my writings - very poor form

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 17 May 2018


On a post approved by ShareSoc on its blog, Roger Lawson has today commented on the incident I described in bearcast on Monday - the email I received in response to my fraudbusting work. I have made Lawson aware of the content of that email currently with the Police so something I cannot publish - but it is the most disgusting material about my wife of Indian origin. Yet he is unapologetic for writing in a way that trivialises it and has refused polite requests to withdraw his article of today. Roger, your failure to see hate crime against an innocent woman, committed by someone not wanting fraud exposed is poor form - you should have checked your facts before writing such a monstrous article. ShareSoc seems unapologetic too - wankers. Roger comments on Audioboom. My comments are in bold.

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