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A Lesson for cowardly corporations when the left wing mob tries to silence conservative media - Laura Ingraham vs David Hogg

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 17 April 2018


David Hogg was at the Florida school where the state (i.e. cowardly and incompetent police) failed to stop a mass shooting. He therefore demands a ban on guns so that Citizens must be wholly reliant on that same failing state for protection. He is also a foul mouthed and ignorant little shit who uses swear words every other sentence and has been rejected by every college to which he has applied. That is a fact. Hogg is foul mouthed and dumb.

When conservative chat show host Laura Ingraham pointed this out Hogg responded by screaming like the bedwetting millennial that he is and demanding that corporations pull their advertising from Laura's show. In other words he, and a mob of other bedwetters, tried to silence her, to put her out of business so that her point of view be suppressed. They do not believe in free speech even when the person speaking, Ms Ingraham, happens to be telling the truth. If someone disagrees with a turd like Hogg they must be wrong and must be silenced.

Naturally a raft of corporations caved as they always do in such circumstances. 30, including firms such as Bayer, quit the show. But guess what else happened? Most Americans not only believe in free speech but also recognise that the blessed Laura was talking a lot of sense. And thus since she returned from a well earned vacation, Ingraham's viewer numbers have surged by 20%. Those advertisers who stuck with her have got a lot more bang for their buck.

There is a message here for many of the British corporations who have given into a small mob and pulled advertising from The Daily Mail and other outlets in protest against something or other.

That message is that the small mob of bedwetters are a tiny fraction of society and should be ignored. You fail your shareholders, employees and the cause of free speech by caving into them.

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