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A One Off: Meet and talk 1-2-1 with Nigel Wray, the man dubbed Britain's Buffett only at UK Investor on April 1

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 21 March 2017


Normally Nigel Wray turns up at UK Investor, talks and leaves. This year - our 15th anniversary party - is different. He will be there from start to finish and when not on stage that opens up a unique opportunity for those attending on April 1. For more than 40 years, Nigel , the man dubbed Britain's Buffett, has been a stockmarket legend for his ability to generate stellar returns not by wild gambling on mining punts or biotech start ups but by rigid value investing. Like the Original Buffett, the Sage of Omaha, Wray is a bottom up value investor who buys and holds. Would you like to know what he thinks is the cheapest share in London? Would you like a one to one chat with Nigel?

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