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Photo Article: The veteran rogue bloggers complete the walk to Woodlarks

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 26 May 2019


From the Farnham golf club two and a half miles out the young folks (plus Jonathan Price, minus Steve Moore) were sent ahead to finish as promised at 8.30. Andrew Bell's knee collapsed and he had to complete the walk by taxi and the old men slogged on.

Well done Andrew Bell. Last year he did 18 miles, this time 31 next year he will finish. He was game. To be fair Dan Levi, Lucian, Steve and I could have done another ten miles. The last mile to the golf club (30 mile mark) I was jogging. I really felt much better than last year. But poor Andrew Monk was struggling. He is much fitter than I am but not a trained walker. And training is important.  As for 76 year old Fleet Street legend Brian Basham he was amazing... 

Dan dubbed him the terminator as he just keeps going. His coach Jaqueline (Jack) kept him going and folks took turns withn him at the back , Bell, myself, Lucian, Jonathan Price and especially Brokerman Dan who is always a hero in this respect . But Brian was always going to finish.

The old guys crossing the line are in photo order Dan, Lucian, myself with Steve and Monkey and finally Brian with Jack and (bearded) superhero - Nick from Woodlarks.

As of this morning we have raised £49,280 of our £50,000 target so if you have yet to donate please do so HERE

If you have already donated, I thank you as do the folk at Woodlarks. They really do want you to know how grateful they all are. This money will fund 100% of the utter baseline costs for the next year.  As we walked up the drive campers and carers lined the track to cheer us on. Monk wanted to nick one of their wheelchairs to get him over the line, but we were all touched. afterwards as we had a burger, ice cream and a drink or two there was a camp meeting and four times they cheered and applauded us. It warms the hardest heart and so hoefully spurs us all on to planning rogue bloggers for Woodlarks 2020 when I hope it will not be 15 rogues but 25. 

To shut me up for another couple of months please make a small donation to get us over our target HERE

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