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Julie "Under FCA Criminal investigation" Meyer completely loses plot – claims “known fraudster” Tom Winnifrith going to prison

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 8 April 2019


Oh dear, oh dear, Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer really has lost the plot now sending out a letter to business contacts in which she declares she is innocent of everything and then tears into her critics including me. Thanks to Winnileaks I have that letter.

I shall not highlight the defamatory and patently untrue remarks she makes about, inter alia, top businessman Peter Wakeham, Henry Gewanter or Amit Pau for to repeat a libel is itself libel.  

One suspects that with the FCA undertaking a criminal investigation into Meyer, the Insolvency Service considering whether to strike her off as a director and HMRC and the IRS investigating million of dollars of unpaid taxes, a libel writ would be the least of her issues.  As she is penniless there is no point suing her for saying of me…

“Tom Winnifriths is a known fraudster….   He is known by the SEC as having backdated KYC for Beaufort Securities; it is only a matter of time before he is thrown in prision.”

The typos are hers.  For what it is worth I never worked for Beaufort and was not even a client. All I did was cover the Beaufort demise with some fairly ground-breaking articles. I am not a fraudster but have been publicly praised by regulators at the FRC for exposing fraud. The FCA are known admirers and keen readers of my work.

Julie, I am not going to the slammer but given what the FCA is investigating you might just want to read up on prison etiquette.  Pro tem get some stronger meds darling…

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