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Jule Meyer tweets - a bit too late to use this line which is bonkers anyway

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 27 February 2022


The deadwood press, notably CityAM, really seems to have it in for its former columnist Julie Meyer, dredging up “revelations” that appeared on this website months and years ago as new examples of her unwillingness to pay debts as they fall due. In response to this sewer plagiarism, Ms Lingerie on Expenses has hit back with the tweet below. As ever she is bonkers.

Her claim is that her fees with Julian Pike the lawyer she hired to troll me, shut down, expose and ruin whistleblower John Galt and fight Henry Gewanter’s claims to be paid which the Court eventually upheld were capped at £50,000 and that she has already paid him £72,000. So Ms Meyer asks why is Pike claiming £300,000. Actually that was £197,000.The rest is costs.Why if fees were capped at £50,000 did Meyer hand over £72,000. Answer: she did not.

You would have thought that the time to make these claims was in court defending the case. Or perhaps she did just that and the judge saw through her latest lies?

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