Tom Winnifrith podcast: British missiles hitting Russia, not in my name
- 2024-11-24 00:00:59
Author and historian James Meigs will be a familiar face if you watch "Abandoned Engineering" on late night TV but he is a serious scholar.
We're halfway through the year, and that gives us a little time to reflect back on the most-listened-to Bearcasts of this past six months.
Author, David Murrin, warns there is a significant risk of conflict in Asia, including Korea and Taiwan. He states that China is gaining knowledge of drone technology, while the West is essentially at war with Russia; the level of collective delusion from Western leaders is concerning.
Listen to the 20 most listened-to Bearcasts since January 1st and you'll hear nearly seven hours of Tom's dulcet tones unwinding the unexplainable, embarrassing the shameless, and chiding the ridiculous (Music Magpie holders? Chill Brands RNS's?) Plus cats, gardening, and, if I heard these correctly, life as a single mother.
Some ShareProphets articles are marmite, in that it's good for you but not very popular. Other ShareProphets artiicles are, well, marnite, in that they cause widespread, viceral disagreement. Here are the twenty stories that ShareProphets readers read and read with Julie Meyer featuring in four of them. Ms Lingerie on Expenses sure is box office.
At last we Austrian economists can see that our dire warnings about the thief in the night will be vindicated. But if you think I am gloomy...
Time left: 04:38:26