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Less than 24 hours to go We can still email a ticket to you for Saturday

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 15 April 2018


If you have been to the UK Investor Show before you know how educating and exciting it can be. Now, with the show owned by Nigel Wray's family, the 2018 event on April 21 in Westminster is set to be the biggest in our 17 year history and also the most spectacular. Book today and we can still email you a ticket to be there

Time is running so grab your free ticket today! Now!

The list of big name speakers is longer and more impressive than ever: Nigel Wray, Mark Slater, Ed Croft, Nick Leslau, Paul Scott, Luke Johnson, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Adam Reynolds, Vin Murria, Malcolm Stacey, Me! - the list goes on and on. And this year there are also 130 PLCs there, manning stands and presenting. That will make this easily the biggest show in the 17 years that the team have been running these events. You may have been before but this year's show will knock your socks off.

To make sure that you are one of the 3,500 folks at the QE2 Centre in Westminster on Saturday April 21 Simply go to and book an investor class ticket TODAY using the promotional code SP10 to guarantee your place.

The Global Group UK Investor show is now owned by the Wray family who have invested heavily to make it better than ever. We have more big name speakers than ever, more companies presenting and more freebies on offer to all who attend.

UK Investor happens just once a year and so you really don't want to be missing out on April 21 - that is TOMORROW!

So book now because time and tickets are running out! Reserve your seat NOW and we will email you a ticket today

I look forward to seeing you TOMORROW in Westminster

Tom Winnifrith

PS You can find a full list of speakers and companies attending at To make sure that you do not miss out, simply go to and book an investor class ticket using the promotional code SP10 to guarantee your place. We will email your ticket today

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Time left: 15:24:53