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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 22 June

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 23 June 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Tom article last week is by Gary Newman, with Given the Labour manifesto on UK oil and gas, is Serica Energy still worth considering as an investment? at No 11 or No 20 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. Why I'm voting Labour and so should you says Ed Bowsher
    We continue our series on the General Election. Today, a reader, who is also a financial journalist, Ed Bowsher explains why he is voting for the People's Party and why you should too. Over to Ed.

  2. ARC Minerals shares suspension on AIM – surely the massive 10x normal share trades prior to suspension need investigating?
    At 4.22 PM yesterday Arc Minerals (ARCM) explained via RNS why its shares had been suspended earlier that afternoon on the AIM Casino. The explanation is all very well, but…

  3. Ariana Resources – Dokwe project Mineral Resource increase, Buy target up to 10p!
    Ariana Resources (AAU) has announced the completion of a revised Mineral Resource Estimate of both Dokwe North and Dokwe Central. The detail suggests that there is good reason for we shareholders to be pleased.

  4. NightCap's Sarah Willingham goes mad can she even count beyond ten these days?
    La Willingham's business is crumbling. Nightcap will only be able to pay rent and payroll this month thanks to another bailout funding. But even that £3.5 million funding is struggling to complete. She is having to fire staff at HQ as I revealed HERE but has yet to 'fess up to the market. Her staff hate her after I revealed how money from the tronc ( tips for low paid bar staff) was used for a luxury ski trip for senior managers. So what does she do?

  5. Eden Research: More lesbians with your diversity vicar?
    You really could not make this up. I have always viewed corporate awards as a complete joke, an excuse for mutual back slapping by folks pouring themselves into DJs and party frocks with shareholders (never invited) picking up the tab for the canapes and champagne. They are always a pointless vanity but this takes the biscuit.

  6. Here is why you should Vote Conservative says Dr Beat
    Nobody dared to take up my offer of explaining why they were voting Tory and so should everyone else. Not even Peter Brailey or Evil Banksta who are members of the Tory party. It seems to be the love that dare not speak its name or maybe we are all too smart to vote Try this time. I did in 2019 to Get Brexit Done! I’d rather eat my own feet than vote Tory this time. In the comments section, reader Dr Beat does say why he is voting for the wretched party of Sunak and he makes the case in the only way he can. In the interests of balance I crib his work to continue our series. Dr Beat writes:

  7. BOMBSHELL: Document showing the prospectus fraud, RNS lies and almost certain money laundering at Dispensa
    GOTCHA! Last week I published a document, a secret side letter, which made the IPO prospectus of Zamaz which became Dispensa (DISP) a fraud. In essence Zamaz bosses Martin Groak and Dominic White pledged to repay £3.2 million (the entire IPO) proceeds to death spiral provider Atlas if it could not dump c33 million shares. Now I have another document, c/o Winnieaks, and if the FCA does not act on this to send Groak and White to jail we might as well all give up.

  8. Supply@ME Capital: I know that TR1s are for little people but….
    The technically insolvent fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) now has 71,732,142,145 shares in issue following the placing of 9,000,000,000 new shares effective from 31 May 2024. The Avantgarde Group issued a TR1 on 31 May showing its reduced holding but to date death spiral provider Venus has not issued a TR1.

  9. UK Oil & Gas, Horse Hill now a dead donkey after shock High Court defeat
    Oh dear, oh dear as disgraced former tipster Mike Walters used to say as another one of the stocks he tipped, including BlueJay Mining, went tits up. At UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) a member of the minus 99.9% club, this goes from bad to worse.

  10. As Blackbird shares hit a six year low is it time for yet another lack of profits warning?
    After twenty-six years of being funded with other people’s money, twenty four of them as a listed company, Blackbird (BIRD), formerly Forbidden Technology (FBT) is, I suggest, sitting on more bad news.

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what is worse, 2 Shipman encounters or emails from Kefi shareholders
    I start with the Shipmans and it's mixed news then I look at Versarien (VRS),Mind Gym (MIND), ARC Minerals(ARCM), Anglesey Mining (AYM), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Corcel (CRCL).

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Ariana, Kefi and the Greek Hovel, 3 prospering assets but folks related to all three sending my blood pressure soaring
    I shall make a fortune from all three assets. Actually, I think I already have on one. But this morning folks associated with all three have sent my blood pressure soaring. I try to put the record straight.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is anyone listening prepared to admit to something shameful and will IQE come clean on Drew and the share dumping
    I start with a recycled old joke as I seek a volunteer. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Eurasia (EUA), Celadon (CEL), IQE (IQE) and Ethernity Networks (ENET)

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 4 absolute stinkers
    In today's bearcast I discuss Kibo Energy (KIBO), Surface Transforms (SCE), Blackbird (BIRD) and Roland "Fatty" Cornish.

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: chatting to Lucian about 2 obvious shorts and a 28/1 political bet and laying Kamala Harris
    We start on the politics and betting on US and UK elections. Then it is Victoria (VCP), Avacta (AVCT) and Braveheart (BRH).

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why on earth did that woman from the Stock Exchange get a gong?
    In today's podcast I cover Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the AGM I now think I might be attending, Nightcap (NGHT) and its barking mad CEO La Willingham, the London Stock Exchange and a wholly undeserved gong for Julia Hogget, and Gary's assertion that labour tax threats are discounted. I also look in detail at the failure of AIM regulation to fine a single PLC for three years.

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Tidying up a couple of loose ends - Harry Adams and his Saudi Partner and Dominic White's pal Carrado Coen
    This podcast just ties up a couple of loose ends from Wednesday on Corrado Coen and his pals in the Dominic White small cap empire and also on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and the supposed threat to it in Saudi Arabia from its partner ARTAR.

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Victoria's no Queen but Dispensa is today's Knave - go ahead and sue me Martin Groak you fraudster!
    How can the regulators do nothing after today's shocking expose of Dispensa (DISP)? I go through that crime and discuss its implications while inviting fraudsters Martin Groak and Dominic White to sue me. I look at Victoria (VCP),Yougov (YOU),Ocado (OCDO),UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and a whole sector that is now doomed and also at BlueJay Mining (JAY) and the latest antics of disgraced Rod McIllree

  9. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a battle with a Horsefly and why Malcolm's share tip is to be ignoredI am off to bed, not 100% recovered from my battle with a Horesefly. Before then I explain why Malcolm's tip today, Abingdon Health (ABDX) should be ignored. It is a sell.
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