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Kerboom: Julie Meyer leaves another solicitor unpaid - damning court documents published

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 11 December 2018


Oh dear, Oh dear. At the start of this year Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE and her Ariadne Group of ponzis had unpaid bills with Nineteen serperate law firms. Then she hired Shakespeare Martineau to battle brave Henry Gewanter and others. Guess what?  Shakespeare Martineau has filed court documents explianing why it is no longer acting for this wretched woman and they are damning. I publish them in full below. Meyer's new lawyers are a small firm called Cunningtons LLP. I do hope it is not spending all the sums they are invoicing for just yet! The court filing speaks for itself... 

The irony is that Sharepeare Martineau was acting to stop Meyer having to pay unpaid bills. Will it now do the decent thing and take legal action itself against Meyer to recover its bills? 

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