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Shit of the Year, Dominic Barretto as you enjoy your nefarious gains this Christmas think about this poor sap you have duped & his daughter’s unfunded wedding

I pointed out earlier how PR spinners for Canadian Overseas (COPL) banked vast fees, nefarious gains, for crafting defamatory releases smearing me to defend their client. As the turd polisher in chief, loathsome morally bankrupt Dominic Barretto, plans a luxury Christmas he might, for a second, think about the pain of those who believed the manifestly dishonest releases he pumped out. From the LSE Asylum at 7.33 AM today:
  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2023-12-18 11:53:13 |

AIM Market – another year of decline: fewer companies in total but more bad ones among them, the real data...

The statistics for AIM for December 2019 show that the market contracted to 863 companies its lowest number since 2003.  The real concern for the LSE should be the shockingly low number of new listings a derisory 23, the lowest number of new issues ever since the market as formed in 1995.  The quantum of new monies raised was also very low by historic standards at £489 million and this figure is not adjusted for the impact of inflation.

  • By Tom Winnifrith, The Sheriff of AIM |
  • 2020-01-06 11:43:44 |

One True View/Appbox – is Eden Pharma the next scam? Avoid it like the plague!

By now those who have ploughed almost £30 million into Polat Hassan’s City boiler room scams One True View and Appbox Media which we have exposed on this website of late will have realised that they are set to lose everything. Meanwhile, as the FCA sits around doing nothing I fear this could get much wider, Meet Eden Pharma Ltd.

  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2019-12-11 16:02:38 |

Vox Markets Publishes Rum 'n' Coke FY accounts ahead of IPO, the accountants should be shot!

I am coming under some pressure not to knock Vox Markets ahead of its IPO on the NEX lobster pot, but its accounts for the year ended August 31 have been delivered to Companies house and are a total joke. If this POS lists and fails, as it will, the accountants Plan-A financials of Brentwood Essex should be sued to high heaven as these numbers are a joke.

  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2019-12-07 12:53:18 |
Page 1 of 4 (34 articles)
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