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4 scholars and gentlemen odd one out competition

Before the ghastly sister of one of the four gents below starts squawking the correct answer has nothing to do with ethnicity. The simple question is which of the four fine upstanding individuals who have all featured regularly on this website is the odd one out and why? Answers in the comments section below.
  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2025-01-09 16:40:34 |

Pray for Darren as he mourns the downfall of his idol President Castro Trudeau

Please spare a thought for our site manager Darren whose socialist tears are gushing into the Vancouver water system on news of the resignation of the world's wokest leader Canada’s President Castro Trudeau. To mark this great day we ask you to vote on what was the greatest moment of the Castro terror on the godless socialist hell hole. Make your choice below, was it:
  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2025-01-07 08:05:00 |

Video: Disgraced Neil Woodford puts his side of the Woodford collapse, talking complete shit

The interviewer offers one of the greatest blow jobs in stockmarket history. This is a hoot. He and Neil Woodford agree that the disgraced fund manager is a man of supreme talent and integrity who has been treated unfairly. Apparently the collapse of Woodford's funds was all down to unfair press comment. Whatever. And there was I thinking that while this website exposed Woodford from 2015 with more than 1000 videos, podcasts and articles, the Mail, FT, Sunday Times and the rest of the MSM were kissing his arse almost to the end. If you have 90 minutes to spare this is a hoot from a parallel universe. Enjoy..
  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2024-12-18 13:48:44 |

In Black and white: Rachel from customer services puts folks on the dole

A profits warning from Shoe Zone (SHOE) will be gutting for shareholders as the stock is off by 44% at just 80p. Steve called this correctly and is justifiably smug today. The real losers are staff who will be losing their jobs just in time for Christmas and the company does not pull its punches: the finger of blame is rightly pointed at Rachel from Customer Services. One again “Labour is not working”.
  • By Tom Winnifrith |
  • 2024-12-18 11:36:41 |
Page 1 of 40 (397 articles)
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