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Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Independence day for Greece July 5, Tsipras calls referendum

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 27 June 2015


High drama tonight as Greek PM Alex Tspiras has called a referendum for July 5: should Greece accept the misery of the latest proposals from the banksters or go bust? Events will move rapidly during the next eight days - we may well see the banks shut down as soon as Monday. Already there are long lines outside ATMs in Athens. Is Tsipras right to call a vote? Yes. What should my neighbours in Greece vote? No! They should vote for default and I hope that Tsipras will lead a campaign for such a vote. July 5th could be freedom day, independence day, a glorious day for the Hellenic Republic. It is time for Greece  to tell the EU and the banksters where to stick it.

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Time left: 17:35:55