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Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Highlights of UK Investor Show

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 19 April 2015


In this podcast I look back at some of the themes and highlights (for me) of UK Investor Show 2015. The hall was packed and I hope that folks all had fun. There are some pictures of the day HERE and to order tickets on an early bird 50% discount for April 16 2016 click HERE and there is a last chance to win a holday at the Greek Hovel HERE.  Among the highlights for me were the Horse Hill panel, Ben Edelman on blinkx which was damming, the bears on Tungsten which was also pretty damming but the buy ideas from Mark Slater, Paul Scott and Paul Jourdan. Luke Johnson was a cracking performer and I think I wasnot too bad either. Anyhow, I reflect on yesterday

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Time left: 06:47:29