It was Luke who flagged this twitter thread up to me. It is a fascinating insight into life in big tech and how a combination of woke fascism and WFH scamdemicary is sinking productivity, morale and drive in such firms. It is a tale of the decline of the wretched West and as such, worrying but fascinating. Put it this way - this is not happening in India or China!
Earlier this week, I revealed the plans of Big Dave Lenigas to launch a gold company for London investors, Lenigas PLC. Lucky us. But hang on... just last year Big Dave told us that pot was the place to be. Perhaps you have not kept up to date with recent events in Canada? Yesterday, a small TSX-V listed cannabis investment company served up the notice below:
Today, the deadwood press is noting that Mexican restaurant chain Chilango is about to appoint RSM Tenon as administrators with Covid 19 once again getting the blame. But is that fair on the poor little virus?
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