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Supply@ME Capital's new auditor part 2, this is a joke

Supply’s (SYME) new auditor is really small. Based on its 2023 Transparency Report Bright’s entire revenue is estimated to be around £7 million. This means that it would sit at the bottom of the Accountancy Age’s list of the top 100 accountancy firms in the U.K. where for 2023 the 100th largest firm listed had income of £6.88 million.
  • By Tom Winnifrith
  • 2025-02-15 17:33:07

Spot the brown envelope at the Carlton Club yesterday caption contest

One of my agents at the Carlton Club caught disgraced share promoter Zak Mir in earnest conversation yesterday. Can anyone identify the crony capitalists who he is trying to do business with? If your bored there is a no prize caption contest now running. Post your captions in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight tonight, St Valentines Day.
  • By Tom Winnifrith
  • 2025-02-14 17:01:30

Kerboom: Max Rets to delist: another member of the White Zamboni crime family falls on its sword

Notwithstanding the loyal support of its advisor, Liam “the Toke” Murray at Cairn, AQSE listed MaxRets Ventures (MAX) is to delist. As it has almost zero cash and negative net current assets it is hardly a loss to the world of capitalism. Of course, the Toke should have quit as soon as it became clear that Dominic White was guilty of multi million pound prospectus fraud. But, these days the Toke seems to be cool with fraud.
  • By Tom Winnifrith
  • 2025-02-14 11:26:01

Supply@Me Capital finds new (tin pot) auditor, shares rocket, Dr Johnson springs to mind

Dr Johnson once said that a woman preaching is like a dog standing on two legs, she does it badly but one is amazed that she can do it at all. Oh for the days before political correctness landed me with an awful vicaress here in Wales. I thought it inconceivable that Supply@ME Capital (SYME), being an insolvent fraud would find a new auditor. But it has and the shares are rocketing as folks think that a share suspension on April 30 is now avoided.
  • By Tom Winnifrith
  • 2025-02-14 10:15:52
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